Kids Heart Challenge







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Dear Parents,


 We are wrapping up Kids Heart Challenge with the American Heart Association. Thank you so much for helping our campus stay heart-healthy and save lives at the same time! If you haven’t had a chance to join the TEAM there’s still time to earn ALL the Heart Heroes… Perrie, Knox, Nico, Sofie, Crush, and Sunny! Get started now by downloading our APP called Kids Heart Challenge for iPhone and Android OR go online CLICK HERE to View Our School Webpage and Sign Up (you can earn a glow in the dark bracelet just for registering).


 Students that raise $150 will get to SLIME Coach James!


Use the Kids Heart Challenge app or website and be sure to send texts or post to Facebook to spread the word and save even more lives!


Watch the heart-healthy experience that students are having at school!


·       McRae Elementary’s Kids Heart Challenge event day is: 11/26/2019


·       Donations are due: 11/26/2019\r\n




 Thanks for making our community heart healthy!!