CHROMEBOOK PICKUPS will be on Friday, April 3rd at the following times:
8:00 - Kindergarten
9:30 - 1st Grade
12:00 - 2nd Grade
1:30 - 3rd Grade
We only expect you to come at one time if you have more than one child. Pick whichever time slot of the grade of one of your children that would be most convenient for you.
When you come to check out a chromebook, PLEASE bring your own pen. Each child that is getting a chromebook NEEDS to be with you. A Parent/Guardian need to be the one that bring the child(ren).
Before leaving the school parking lot, your child(ren) will need to Log into the chromebook and then get into their teacher's Google Classroom to download the weeks assignment for April 6 - 10 (getting into the classroom is all they will need to do).