Pickup Times for Students School Supplies

We have scheduled May 7th as the day for parents to come up to the school to pick up their child(s) school supplies.  Supplies will be picked up at McRae's Gym by the loading dock on the east side of the gym.  We will use the following schedule:

9:00am   -   Kindergarten
10:00am -   1st Grade
11:00am -    2nd Grade
12:00pm -   3rd Grade

Please come into the parking lot off of Elm Street beside the District Office.  If you have students in different grades, please select the grade that is most convenient for you and pick them up at one time.  If the morning does not work then feel free to come in the afternoon by 3:30pm.  Any questions please call the school office on Mondays or Thursdays between 10:00am and 2:30 pm.