Searcy School District Virtual Option, 2022-2023 Lions Online
almost 3 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
virtual option
There will be no school tomorrow. Enjoy your Easter weekend!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Good Friday
First grade enjoyed a visit from White County Jr. Fair Queen, Aubrey Morris.
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Ms. Rupard’s class has been busy filling out Easter bunny applications!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Class pictures are tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
class pictures
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, and April 15th is National Purple Up Day. Searcy Schools will be out of school on that day, so SSD is celebrating Purple Up Day on April 14th. This special day was instituted as a way to show support and thank military children for their strength and sacrifices. We are asking all students and staff to wear purple to show your support of our military students and their families. If you are a military family and plan to attend our Purple Up Day Donuts Celebration, please make sure to RSVP!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Purple Up!
Lady Lion Basketball Camp
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Happy Assistant Principal's Day, Mr. Jones!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
asst principal
Check out our April Newsletter!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Mr. Jones, along with the rest of our Guiding Coalition Team, has been working hard to bring valuable information back to our campus from the workshop, PLCs at work.
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Our lost and found is full! If your student is missing a jacket, hoodie, or lunch box please have them check the lost and found.
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
lost and found
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
st Patrick’s day
Searcy Public Schools Transportation Director, Mr. David Dale enjoyed being a guest reader in Ms. Rupard’s kindergarten class.
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
guest reader
All students in grades K-12 are invited to attend Tinkerfest in conjunction with Beats and Eats and the FIRST robotics regional tournament!
almost 3 years ago, Searcy Public Schools
G.U.I.D.E. for Life Week 2022 Governor Asa Hutchinson has proclaimed the week of March 7-11, 2022, as G.U.I.D.E. for Life Week in Arkansas to celebrate the importance of social emotional learning. All Arkansas students should graduate with a strong foundation of academic knowledge, experience, and proficiencies. Yet, for a lifetime of personal and professional success, our students also need an equally solid foundation in personal competency skills; intangible abilities that help people get along with others, communicate well, and make positive contributions in the workplace and beyond. The Arkansas Department of Education has identified five guiding principles: GROWTH, UNDERSTANDING, INTERACTION, DECISIONS, and EMPATHY. Each principle and corresponding lessons, as outlined in the G.U.I.D.E. for Life, support educators in teaching the principles to empower students to thrive at home, school, on the job, and in the community. Counseling lessons throughout the year have focused on these five areas. The focus this month is Growth Mindset. Growth Mindset focuses on learning new skills through varied manners. One important aspect in growth is asking for help. Another is learning from our mistakes. Students have learned to celebrate growth in many academic areas throughout the year. Ask your students about growth mindset this month!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
growth mindset
We’re dreaming of more warm, spring days!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
When the weather is this nice we move our learning outside!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Mrs. Ball’s class had a special reader today! Mrs. Shelley Rohr from central office came to read for Dr. Seuss Week.
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Each year, National Read Across America Day is celebrated on March 2nd, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. The annual event is part of Read Across America, an initiative on reading created by the National Education Association. Today, we would like to encourage everyone to pick up a good book and read! Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary
Can you believe March is already here? Make sure to check out our newsletter to see what is happening on our campus this month!
almost 3 years ago, McRae Elementary