deener details 1

Deener Details: Back to School Tips & Tricks

A new school year comes with many new procedures, routines, rules, and schedules! Here are a few tips to make these early weeks awesome for your student and family...

1) Practice a few basic skills that occur throughout the school-day. Some examples include: tying shoes, opening food packaging like capri suns/condiment packets/peel-away lids, buckling a seatbelt, packing a backpack, and buttoning/zipping clothing items.

2) Make sure backpacks, jackets, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc are labeled. This helps staff identify items quickly and get them to their owner.

3) Discuss with your child personal info such as:  their full name, their address, phone number, and way they get to and from school( bus #/daycare name)

4) Create a "school routine" that includes a consistent bed time / wake up time . Plan for the next day the night before with your child. Model unpacking their backpack, going over homework/important papers, planning for the next day's lunch, and picking out the next day's clothing.

5) Model excitement/ encouragement about the new year! Talk together about all the great things ahead during this new year!