Each week Sidney Deener staff nominate m members who are going above and beyond to serve our students and families. Join us in celebrating this week's Deener Diamond winenrs...Mrs.Emberson and Mrs.Easley! Thank you for all you bring to our campus!
4 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Math in Action! This week Kindergarten is completing their first unit. They are practicing what they know with hands on activities! Today they sorted rainforest cards by various attributes.
4 months ago, Haylee Marrs
kinder math
kinder math
kinder math
kinder math
Last night we read Chapter 2 in our One Book, One School story The Chocolate Touch! Add your answer to our question of the day in the comment section to be entered to win a prize!
4 months ago, Haylee Marrs
chapter two
Take part in our one book, one school question of the day each day for the next 12 days. Enter your answer in the comments to be entered to win a prize!
4 months ago, Haylee Marrs
question of the day
Fall School Picture Day is this Friday, September 20th!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
school pictures
Thank you for making our Book Fair amazing and creating memories that will last a lifetime! Due to your support every student at Sidney Deener was able to participate in the fun of the fair!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Check out the upcoming week at Sidney Deener!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
whats up weekly
One Book, One School begins this week!! We are excited to announce that books and links will be distributed Monday, Sept. 16th for our families to join us in reading The Chocolate Touch school wide! We love this tradition!🍫
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
one book one school
We have a winner! Way to go Ms.Eason's class! This class raised over $130 for our All for Books. Their class received a book haul from the fair for their classroom library! We love seeing those happy reading faces!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
share the fair
Dot Day is TOMORROW! Wear those dots Friday, Sept 13th!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
dot day
Please join us tomorrow evening, Thursday Sept. 12 at Sidney Deener Cafeteria for kindergarten and 1st grade Standards Based Grading and Essentials night. We will start at 5:30 and cover how report cards will look and what standard you child should know to be successful. Please join us!
5 months ago, Jeff Graham
Tomorrow ( Wednesday 9/11) we will be hosting our annual Grandparent day breakfast. We hope to see you there! Stop by the Book Fair during your time together. Doors open at 7:30, students must be in class by 8:00.
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
2-3 gparent
Unable to shop Book Fair at school? No problem! Keep the party going at our Book Fair online. All book purchases over $25 ship free and every purchase benefits our school! https://www.scholastic.com/bf/sidneydeenerelementarysch . #ScholasticBookFairs
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
shop online
Wondering when our Book Fair is open this week? Find the right time for your family to shop with this schedule!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
book fair
Tomorrow ( Tuesday 9/10) we will be hosting our annual Grandparent day breakfast. We hope to see you there! Stop by the Book Fair during your time together. Doors open at 7:30, students must be in class by 8:00.
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
k-1 gparent
Take a look at our week ahead!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Staff selected Deener Diamonds are a great way to spotlight the many members who are going above and beyond contributing to our team!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Deener diamond
Mathematicians at work!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Each week on Friday students participate in an enrichment time. These classes include cooking and nutrition, weaving, readers theater, dramatic play, social emotional learning, and even safety patrol! Our third grade safety patrol has been done practicing with Coach Brooker!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Elementary at Searcy Volleyball! #weroartogether #elevateandcelebrate
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs