National Custodians Day was October 2nd, which fell on Saturday this year! We couldn’t miss the opportunity to honor those who truly keep Deener running from day to day! Thank you Mrs. Lawanda, Mrs.Terri, and Mr. Jesse!

Kindergarten and 1st grade students practicing their speaking and listening skills.

Looking for some fa"boo"lous ideas to boost literacy in your home? Try these and send us pics of your family working together engaging in reading!

Mrs. Collins Double Bubble Club winners of this week! These students have learned their double addition facts to 20. The prize was to sign their name on the Double Bubble club poster and get bubbles to take home.

Monarch butterfly hatching and releasing them to Mexico in Kindergarten.

Numbers under construction in Kindergarten in Miss Wheat’s class.

As Searcy School District continues to have to quarantine students due to Covid-19 exposure and close contacts, we know that some of our families may wish to have meals provided for their children who are in quarantine. If your child is in quarantine and you would like to pick up school meals, please complete the form below on the day your child is quarantined, so our child nutrition department can be sure to prepare the accurate number of meals. This form may also be found on the district and campus websites under Menu/Quicklinks/Quarantine Meal Request.

We had a wonderful 1st week at our fall Book Fair! Next week is our final week and we have collected 60% of our goal already! Thank you for supporting the love of reading in our Deener students! The final week of Book Fair means it is time to hand out lots of great prizes from the fair! Stay tuned to see more #BookJoy

Deener County Fair Friday!Teachers were treated to popcorn, cheese sticks and corn dogs from Sonic!

Did You know?
Today is Constitution Day.

Ice cream and chicken sticks! Kindergartners enjoying SPS lunch!

Arkansas Council for Military Children will hold its annual Military Family Forum on September 23, 2021, from 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM. The purpose of the forum is to receive feedback from Arkansas uniformed services families regarding the effectiveness of Arkansas laws pertaining to the education of children of military families. You feedback is valued!
The forum will be held via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 2574 9772
Passcode: 4F8Ym3
Individuals who wish to preregister to speak to the Council may do so at this link:

Do you have questions about what to do when you meet a school bus on the road? Are you not sure about bus procedures for students? Find all the information and even a video tutorial at this link.

Deener doesn't celebrate anything half-way!! Happy Dot Day everyone!

International Dot Day is TOMORROW Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
International Dot Day was inspired and created from the children’s book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
International Dot Day celebrates two very important lessons from this children’s book.
1) Don’t let fear keep you from being creative.
2) Leave your marks on those that are around by being encouraging, kind, and helpful.
We are encouraging our students to wear dots TOMORROW. If your child already has dotted clothes or clothes with a circle on them, that would be great to wear! That can be a shirt, pants, socks, shoes, hair bows for girls, and don’t forget a mask with Dots….etc. If your child does not have these items, you can Do It Yourself and make one!
Take an old white t-shirt and: put sticker dots on it; safety pin dots on it; use a marker and draw dots on it; use paint and paint dots on it; glue Googly Eyes on it; or glue Pom Pom balls on it! Be creative!
Thank you for your support in this fun dot filled day! Check out our Facebook Page- Sidney Deener Elementary School- to view photos from that day!

Did you know that each book you have in your home helps your child go farther in school? Only 48% of young children are read to daily. In 2015, only 31% of Arkansas 4th graders and 27% of Arkansas 8th graders were proficient in reading.
School success begins at home. You are your child's first teacher. Our FREE HIPPY Program offers over 25 books that your family could add to your home library. Help your child build the foundation they need for school success!
If you are interested in joining HIPPY, please give us a call at 501-268-4992😍 or use the link at the top of our Facebook page to get registered. We serve children as young as 2 years old all the way until the child is eligible for Kindergarten. 🤩

Did you know that each book you have in your home helps your child go farther in school? Only 48% of young children are read to daily. In 2015, only 31% of Arkansas 4th graders and 27% of Arkansas 8th graders were proficient in reading.
School success begins at home. You are your child's first teacher. Our FREE HIPPY Program offers over 25 books that your family could add to your home library. Help your child build the foundation they need for school success!
If you are interested in joining HIPPY, please give us a call at 501-268-4992😍 or use the link at the top of our Facebook page to get registered. We serve children as young as 2 years old all the way until the child is eligible for Kindergarten. 🤩

What is TANF? This program was created to support families with resources, skills, and assistance. If you want find out if you qualify go to the website below!

We are down to the last TWO DAYS! Thank you for your help so far....let's finish our All for Books collection even stronger!