Please check red folders tonight for Grandparent Day RSVP cards. We are hoping you'll join us and want to plan accordingly! Please return these cards by Monday, Sept.9th.
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Kindergarten students use puppets to work on greetings in English!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Check out our first attendance incentive for this year!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Did you know you can keep up with online meal payment and tracking by utilizing the "MyPayments Plus" App? This is an easy way to navigate lunch charges! You can also keep up with the daily menu by utilizing the "Nutrislice" App! Make lunch time a breeze by using these resources. If you need help figuring out your student's ID number, please contact their teacher!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Each week staff members are chosen by their coworkers for going above and beyond. They are recognized for their leadership and character by being named Deener Diamonds!💎
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Celebrating great ROAR behavior! 🦁🐾
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Students began checking out books in the library this week!. Students in grades 1-3 will check out two books per week and will soon be allowed to take them home to read with family (Kindergarten check out one book per week). Books are due back the following week on library day so students are able to check out new books. Parents will be notified if a book is overdue, lost, or damaged. Students LOVE to read to our library character buddies! Try it at home!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Congratulations to our first honorees for exemplifying the word of the month! This month we focus on kindness as we begin a new year and learn how to work together. These students showed that in many ways this week and we look forward to celebrating other students in the weeks to come!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Students practice grouping foods into the five main food groups during enrichment time with Mrs. Marrs. During this time, students learn about where foods come from,cooking simple recipes,and food safety. Learning in action!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Third grade students conduct an experiment to walk through the steps of the scientific method in wonder lab with Mrs. Shank!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Weekly collaborative team meetings, also known as CTM’s are underway! This time each week is a crucial piece in how our teachers and staff work together to make decisions on instruction and other best practices so that all students are learning at high levels!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Grandparent's Day breakfast! We hope you can join!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
gparent day
Second grade students get creative as they get to know their new classmates better each day!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Twinning with your teacher! What a fun way to start your day🍎📚
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
First grade students learn how to use their math toolboxes by practicing adding with their partners!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Kindergarten students begin their color unit tomorrow! Join us in dressing in the color of the day for the next two weeks as we learn and grow together!
5 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Today kindergarten friends learned how to use scissors! This is very important to help our hands get ready to write. We practiced our scissor skills and made hats to celebrate rocking the first week of Kindergarten!
6 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Thank you to Yarnells Ice Cream and our Deener PTO for delicious workroom treats for teachers today! The fresh popcorn and ice cream sandwiches made our first Friday extra fun!
6 months ago, Haylee Marrs
Third grade worked together to brainstorm expectations for their classroom. Then they made a list of the words they had in common to use in the creation of their social contract!Classroom social contracts…. Coming soon!
6 months ago, Haylee Marrs
social contract
social contract
social contact
social contract
It’s been hot out there, but when the weather allowed, we had a blast enjoying some of the new items on our playground! Playgrounds are some of the best places to find new friends!
6 months ago, Haylee Marrs