Watch today's news broadcast!
PTO Meeting!
We hope to see you there!
Watch today's news broadcast!
(Please excuse technical difficulties as we work out the kinks.)
You can order your yearbook and make payments!!
Some of our 5th grade students were excited to find “kindness rocks” on campus and plan to hide them again so others can enjoy finding them too.
Mrs. Taylor's 6th graders enjoyed hiding Kindness Rocks for others to find last week!
Watch today's news broadcast!
Please look past the technical difficulties as we perfect our news broadcast. Thanks!
We can't wait to see everyone TOMORROW for some back to school fun!
Mrs. Miles's 5th graders did a team building activity called "What do we have in common?"
Teaching kindness and empowering students are just part of the culture at Southwest Middle School!
Mrs. Johnson's 6th grade team created kindness rocks and hid them around campus for other students to find.
Mrs. Smith's 6th grade student, Ethan, enjoyed greeting classmates as they entered the room this morning.
PTO Meeting!
We hope to see you there!
You can order your yearbook and make payments!!
Mrs. Flores's class had a great first day!
We can't wait to see you all!
We can't wait to see everyone for some back to school fun!
SWMS teachers work on team building by acting out animals!
You can order your yearbook and make payments!!
We can't wait to see everyone TONIGHT!
We can't wait to see everyone!
We can't wait to see everyone for some back to school fun!