Ending our school year with some fun!
Watch today's news broadcast!
Watch today's news broadcast!
5th grade iReady 80 lesson achievers! Way to go!
Fourth grade i-ready 100 achievers! They are: GraceAnn Steele, Camden McCann, Payton Long, and Jamar Blackmon II!. 50 i-Ready students include: Max Combs, Taz Trott, Matthew Edwards, Gracie Drew, Dawson Crisler, River Cowan, and Lyla McInturff. Congratulations!
6th grade Field Day
Another member of the 100 I-ready math lesson club. Way to go, Jamar!
Change of plans for Water Day on 5/23!
5th Grade Silly String the Principal! Thanks for being a good sport, Ms. Parsley!
5th Grade Field Day Egg Relay
5th Grade Lexia Superstars! Great job!
Watch today's news broadcast!
Camden, Grace Ann, and Peyton received principals award brag tags for completing 100 I-ready math lessons.
5th grade Lexia Superstars! Great job!
Watch today's news broadcast!
Ms. Martin's students enjoyed a fun filled trip to the LR Zoo and Unlimited Playground at McArthur Park. How exciting! 😊
More 5th grade Lexia Superstars! Excellent job!
5th grade Lexia Superstars! Way to go!
Summer Meal Service Locations
Tdap immunization for students age 11 and MCV4 immunization for students entering the 7th grade will be required prior to registration for the 2024-2025 school year.