Mrs. Evans’s science classes released 37 butterflies today into our school garden. Many of them are already settling into their new home on campus.
Watch today's news broadcast!
Watch all of the 6th Grade fun from Field Day!
We have Monarch Butterflies! Stay tuned for their release tomorrow!
Back to School Vaccination Clinic!
The last day to pick up student medications from the nurse is Wednesday, May 24th. The hours for pick-up are 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Many thanks to our local law enforcement officers for bringing the Special Olympics Torch Run through our campus this morning! Wishing the best of luck to all of the athletes competing this year!
These students (along with several others not pictured) have been an amazing news crew for SWMS this year! We appreciate all of their hard work in bringing us the most up-to-date news every morning!
5th graders worked together to race on wooden skis at field day yesterday!
Watch today's news broadcast!
5th grade students enjoyed a game of ring toss relay today during field day.
Watch today's news broadcast!
Important immunization information.
Bridging the Gap Between Home and School Newsletter.
Watch today's news broadcast!
Please access this document for information about 7th grade football.
Here is the recorded "Sundae the Staff" event! Enjoy!
Students in Mrs. Brewer’s room working on their End of the Year Best Book from WitnWisdom poster.
Thank you to our amazing PTO for a wonderful week of teacher treats and our Grill n Chill today! Thank you, too, to First Community Bank for allowing them to use the grill.
Many students enjoyed their fundraiser reward at SWMS today! Those who
sold two or more boxes of chocolates had the opportunity to "Sundae" a faculty member!