Watch today's news broadcast.
Mrs. Landers' 4th graders did a chalk talk today, and the kids did an awesome job with it!
Family Mental Health Night.
Here are our Circle of Champions students for September. These students were chosen by their teaching team because they exhibited the qualities of our character words each week, and they have proven to be leaders with the CKH process. These students are honored during lunch by being allowed to sit at the round table at the front of the cafeteria with a friend of their choosing.
4th Grade - Ella Clay & Annabelle Vaughn
5th Grade - Fatima Shakoor, Jordan Sullivan, & Katelyn Palmer
6th Grade - Anna Williams, Ivy Javellana, & Feng Zhu
Here are our School Spirit Stick winners from Friday, October 7! These students get to enjoy wearing hats to school today!
4th Grade - Group 1
5th Grade - Group 2
6th Grade - Group 3
Who will win this week? Stay tuned!
SWMS Block Party is coming up! We need your help!
Watch today's news broadcast.
Candy Grams go on sale tomorrow!
SWMS Block Party is coming up! We need your help!
Thank you to everyone who has sold items for the Believe Kids Fundraiser! Monday, Oct. 10th is the final day to sell items, and packets with money should be returned to school on Tuesday, Oct. 11th. The money raised will go to PTO to fund events for our school and to purchase items needed. Many great rewards are up for grabs!
Our fearlessly leader has done it again! Well deserved recognition. 🎉
Thank you for always leading our school with your whole heart, Ms. Parsley!
Candy Grams go on sale Monday!
SWMS Block Party is coming up! We need your help!
Homecoming greeters this morning! Go Lions!
Watch today's news broadcast.
Wear blue for bullying awareness.
Watch today's news broadcast.
SWMS Block Party is coming up! We need your help!
Watch today's news broadcast.
Watch today’s news broadcast.