We are so excited to welcome everyone back tomorrow!
Please make sure that your child knows how he/she will be getting home at dismissal. Here are informational videos for our drop off and pick up procedures on all drives.
4th grade - Hickory Street
5th grade - Woodruff Street
6th grade - Beebe Capps Expressway
If your child has siblings, he/she will be picked up and dropped off at the youngest sibling's driveway.

Please watch these informational videos regarding drop off and pickup procedures for each of our driveways.

Updated car rider drop off time.

If your child takes medication at school, please plan to bring your medication to the nurse during Open House on August 18 from 3-7pm or Friday, August 19 from 8am-12pm.

Health History Form-If your child is enrolled in Searcy School District for the 2022-2023 school year, please complete a health history form and return to the nurse at your child's campus. You may mail a hard copy, drop off a hard copy at your child's campus, or scan a copy into the campus nurse. Access the link below for the form.

Need the application for Free/Reduced Lunch? Click the link below.

Let’s get your child registered!

Atención familias del distrito escolar de Searcy: Si necesita ayuda para inscribir a su hijo/a en la escuela para el año escolar que viene, puede venir a la cafetería Sidney Deener para recibir ayuda para completar la inscripción escolar.
Traer con usted:
Cualquier código o correo electrónico enviado desde la escuela.
Si se mudó de residencia recientemente, una factura actual que muestre su nueva dirección

We look forward to welcoming you back for the 2022-2023 school year!

We are hiring! We need a licensed special education teacher to teach Searcy School District virtual students!

Remember and Honor

Enjoy your summer break. Stay safe!

Happy Last Day of School SWMS!

Wrestling Camp 2022
What: Wrestling Camp
When: May 28th 1-4 PM
Where: Wrestling Room (Old Fieldhouse)
Who: Ages 10-14
How much: FREE
Contact: justin@searcyyouthwrestling.com

Searcy Wrestling Program is holding a free summer wrestling camp! Any child ages 10-14 is encouraged to attend!

Southwest Middle School Counseling Program 2021-2022

Searcy School District Virtual Option, 2022-2023 Lions Online