Mark your calendar for this great opportunity for your student to get “new to them” books to read over the holiday break!!
December 9th, Westside Elementary will have a Book Swap. Students will be swapping books from home that they own but no longer want or need. Each student is allowed to bring in up to 5 books for trading. We ask that these books be in good condition.
Book intake will be during the two weeks of Nov. 18-22 and Dec. 2-6. Ms. Kim will mark down each student name, teacher name, and the number of books turned in for each participant. She will organize the books and display them by reading level. On December 9th, participating students will be allowed to come in and shop from the selection. Any student who is absent on the 9th will still be able to come in December 10th to participate, but will have a limited selection at that point to choose from.
*Participation is voluntary…not required.
Please make sure that the books your child brings are books that they truly can part with as they will not get them back. This is something Westside Elementary has been doing for a few years in hopes that the kids enjoy getting “new to them” books to read over the holiday break.
For a copy of the note that was sent home, please see: