We're looking forward to seeing spots on Monday! Let's celebrate 101 days of school!
Let's taco 'bout our amazing PTO! They treated us to the yummiest lunch from Burrito Day. Staff, let's hear...Tell us how much you love and appreciate our PTO 🌮❤️
Dr. Hart presented McRae’s kindergarten teachers coins for the Superintendent’s Award of Excellence during their CTM on Feb. 9 to celebrate student growth as shown from middle of year data. Way to go kindergarten teachers and students!
Left to right: Leah Barber, Jada Ball, Dr. Hart, Kim Rupard, Kassie Day, Savannah Lee (intern), Brecken Joice (intern)
Not pictured: Lee Anne Russell
Mrs. Henderson took our GT students to the planetarium show about Galileo & telescopes , moon landing and the future of space exploration. This aligned with their Wit and Wisdom space module. Then they had a picnic on UCA’s campus!
Name a better duo...We'll wait!
Kindergartener, Case Chumley, knows Mr. Jones dresses up for "Tropical Thursday" each week. Today, Case surprised Mr. Jones by
dressing up with him!
Help us spread kindness next week!
This week is National School Counseling Week. We are so thankful to have Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Duncan at McRae! Drop a comment to let them both know how much we love and appreciate them for all they do for our students!
Our book fair opens this Friday and will run through Thursday, February 16th! Remember, we have a special eraser for every student who signs up to shop with ewallet! https://www.scholastic.com/bf/mcraeelementaryschool2
It's that time again...BOOK FAIR! Our spring book fair is Friday, February 10th - Thursday, February 16th. Students may shop during their library activity or during parent/teacher conferences. Students who use ewallet will receive a special eraser. We will also have a drawing for everyone who comes to the book fair during parent teacher conferences! Use the following link to sign up for ewallet and access our online fair. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/mcraeelementaryschool2
Let's celebrate being 101 days smarter! Students may dress up as a Dalmatian or
one of the characters from the movie. Due to snow days, our 101st day of school has changed to Monday, February 13th!
Three McRae teachers passed Level 1, the Try It routine, in Searcy School District’s iReady certification in January. These teachers include Belinda Anderson (2nd grade), Karen Kelley (1st grade), and Sherri Jackson (1st grade). Way to go, teachers!
How are you spending your ice day? Don’t forget to make time to read a good book today for World Read Aloud Day! Use the hashtag #mcraereads for all of your World Read Aloud Day fun! #mcraereads #WRAD
World Read Aloud Day is February 1st! How will you celebrate?
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Tuesday, February 14th. We can't wait to see you there!
Can you believe we'll be celebrating 101 days of school in just a few short weeks? Our 101st day of school will be February 8th! Students may dress up as a Dalmatian or one of the characters from the movie.
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be February 10-16. Your child will be able to shop during his or her library time. We will also be open during parent/teacher conferences on February 14th! Don't forget to set up your child's ewallet. It's the easier way to shop! https://www.scholastic.com/bf/mcraeelementaryschool2
We're kicking off the new year with a new attendance incentive! Each month your child will have the opportunity to receive a perfect attendance award. To receive this award your child just needs to be at school or as we like to say "in your seat" every day! Remember, school starts at 7:50 and dismissal is 3:00-3:30.
Did you sign up as interested in Searcy School District Pre-K? You may have questions about the process. Check out these Frequently Asked Questions.
MLK Day - Monday, January 16th - No School
Parents and guardians,
We wanted to make you aware of the documents that you will be receiving along with your student's Report Card today. You should receive a letter that shows whether your student is independently reading at grade level or not, and you possibly could receive a letter showing that your student is receiving Intensive Reading Instruction. These letters are distributed to help keep parents informed about student progress towards reading proficiency and they are also documents that are required in the state of Arkansas (see the details of these mandates below). If you have ANY questions about your student's progress with reading you are always welcome to contact the building principal, Mrs. Franks or the McRae Literacy Coach, Mrs. Zeigler (501-268-3936). Additionally, you could contact our district Literacy Facilitators Amanda Sims or Bethany Philpot (501-278-2228). We appreciate being partners with our parents in ensuring high levels of learning for ALL of our students!
A.C.A § 6-15-2006 of 2017 states that all Arkansas public schools are required to report to parents and/or legal guardians and each teacher of a student in grades kindergarten through 8 the independent level at which the student is reading.
According to the requirements for Intensive Reading Instruction (IRI) as described in Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-2004(a)(2), any student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading, based upon statewide assessments conducted in grades kindergarten through second (K-2), or teacher observations, shall be given intensive reading instruction based on the science of reading as soon as practicable following the identification of the reading deficiency.