The past several weeks the SHS Choirs have been involved in their annual Region Assessment and State Contests. At Region 1 Choral Performance Assessment in early March, our students have excelled in their on stage and sight reading performances receiving all Superior Ratings in both areas from each adjudicator. The Searcy High School Chamber Choir received the highest scores of any of the 85 choirs who performed at Region 1 CPA receiving 99, 99 and 98 ratings for their stage performance out of the possible 100 score from each judge. All four SHS Choirs qualified for the State Choir Contest on April 13th at UCA.
\r\nAt State the State Choir Contest, SHS Tenor-Bass 9-12th Grade Mass Choir, SHS 9-12th Grade Mass Treble Choir, SHS Chamber Choir and SHS Voix de Belles all received Superior Ratings for their on stage performances. All four of these choirs met the requirements to receive a "Sweepstakes" award for receiving Superior Ratings on stage at CPA and State Contest, as well as receiving a Superior Rating in Sight Reading at the Region Level. Our SHS Tenor-Bass 9-12th Grade Mass Choir received the State Title for Best in Class 6A Large Tenor Bass Choir. Please congratulate these students on their efforts if you see!
We would love to have you join us at our Spring Concert on Monday, April 24th in the SHS Performing Arts Center at 6 pm.