Wear Purple to Show Your Support of Our Military Students and Their Families
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, and April 19th is National Purple Up Day. This special day was instituted as a way to show support and thank military children for their strength and sacrifices. We would like to encourage everyone to wear purple on that day as a symbol of our appreciation for those students’ sacrifice.
Watch today's news broadcast!
Thank you so much! We couldn't do all the things we do without you!
Watch today's news broadcast!
5th grade Lexia Superstars! Great job! #learningisrequired
Students love learning from each other. Here, Branson Green leads his class in their Daily Language Review.
Congratulations to this week's 6th grade Lion Leaders!
Elizabeth Felts, Jayden Davis, Colt Laforce
Not Pictured: Tyler Smith, Major Johnson
Congratulations to this week's 5th grade Lion Leaders!
Abdullah Rizwan, Reed Green, Adalyn Barnett, Eden Shirley, Hudson Harvey (not pictured)
Congratulations to this week's 4th grade Lion Leaders!
Aiden Wyrick, Layla Jennell, Ryder Hodges, Kyrie Alcorn, Avery Burdette
Watch today's news broadcast!
Parents & Guardians of SWMS Students, Please join us for our PTO meeting TONIGHT @ 6:00 p.m. in the SWMS Cafeteria. We are so grateful for the many ways our PTO volunteers are involved at Southwest!
5th Grade Lexia Superstars!
Chess tournament round 1! Good luck!
Interested in the possibility of a position with the Searcy School District? Don't miss this opportunity to visit with our administrators and department heads. Enjoy light pastries and coffee and learn more about our district on Friday, April 19 at Lion arena!
Wear Purple to Show Your Support of Our Military Students and Their Families
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, and April 19th is National Purple Up Day. This special day was instituted as a way to show support and thank military children for their strength and sacrifices. We would like to encourage everyone to wear purple on that day as a symbol of our appreciation for those students’ sacrifice.
In addition, Searcy Schools will be gifting all students of active military families with a special tee shirt to wear. We have a list of students who have previously been identified as having an immediate family member (father, mother, or sibling) currently serving on active duty. However, we do not want to leave anyone out. We want to honor all of the students who qualify. If your child is part of an active military family, please respond to the attached form. Please respond by Friday, April 12th. You will need to complete a separate form for each student. https://forms.gle/Dy22TTmNURiGkVVc8
Thank you again for your service and sacrifice. We appreciate you and look forward to honoring our military students on April 19th.
Parents & Guardians of SWMS Students,
Please join us for our PTO meeting TONIGHT @ 6:00 p.m. in the SWMS Cafeteria. We are so grateful for the many ways our PTO volunteers are involved at Southwest!
Watch today's news broadcast!
Wear Purple to Show Your Support of Our Military Students and Their Families
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, and April 19th is National Purple Up Day. This special day was instituted as a way to show support and thank military children for their strength and sacrifices. We would like to encourage everyone to wear purple on that day as a symbol of our appreciation for those students’ sacrifice.
In addition, Searcy Schools will be gifting all students of active military families with a special tee shirt to wear. We have a list of students who have previously been identified as having an immediate family member (father, mother, or sibling) currently serving on active duty. However, we do not want to leave anyone out. We want to honor all of the students who qualify. If your child is part of an active military family, please respond to the attached form. Please respond by Friday, April 12th. You will need to complete a separate form for each student. https://forms.gle/Dy22TTmNURiGkVVc8
Thank you again for your service and sacrifice. We appreciate you and look forward to honoring our military students on April 19th.
Watch today's news broadcast!
Parents & Guardians of SWMS Students,
You are invited to join the SWMS PTO! The next meeting will be held THIS Thursday, April 11th @ 6:00 p.m. in the SWMS Cafeteria. We are so grateful for the many ways our PTO volunteers are involved at Southwest!