Remote Learning FAQ

Q: How do we log on to our Chromebook?
A: Chromebook log-in procedures may be found here.
Q. How does Schoology work?
A: Click links below for Schoology use information.
Student use of Schoology (pdf); Video Tutorial
Q: How can I communicate with my teacher on a remote learning day?
A: Students & Parents can message teachers via the Message area in Schoology or by directly emailing the classroom teacher.
Q: What should I do if I have a technical problem?
A: Email
Q: How do I clear my browsing history?
A. Click the link below for step by step instructions.
Clear Cache & Browsing History
Q: What should I remember when participating in remote learning?
A: Access the link below for remote learning tips.
SPS Remote Learning Etiquette & Expectations
Q: I do not have access to the internet at home, where can I access internet availability?
A: We have Network Nooks across the district. Below are the locations. Additionally, we have provided information about the Affordable Connectivity Program.