Bus photo

Searcy School District wants to remind all motorists the rules of driving on multiple lane roads when a school bus is in sight. Remember these guidelines when you are driving on a road with four or more lanes, such as Beebe-Capps Expressway and others.

  • Additional lanes have more traffic, higher speeds, more vehicles, and more rules.
  • WARNING: It's illegal to pass when red lights are flashing if you are traveling in the same direction as the school bus. This can cost you up to $2,500 plus court costs if you are ticketed.
  • If you're traveling in the opposite direction of the school bus, stop when red lights are flashing.
  • If there is a physical barrier such as a fence, concrete barrier, or a 20 ft grassy area, then you are not required to stop, but please continue to proceed with caution for the safety of all children.