Lions Online Participation Guidelines
\r\nLions Online is a K-12 Virtual School that will be available for all students who are enrolled in Searcy Public Schools. Lions Online is a form of digital learning where content is delivered via the internet. Examples include email, online discussion forums, message boards, pre-recorded video lessons, and possibly live video lessons, etc. Teachers will schedule opportunities to communicate through Google Meets or phone calls to maintain academic and social and emotional connections.
\r\nThis learning path may not be the best choice for all students. Families must consider the characteristics that lead to a successful virtual experience for students:
\r\n· Self-motivated\t\t\t\t· Effective Communicator
\r\n· Independent Learner\t\t\t· Personal Commitment
\r\n· Computer Literate\t\t\t\t· Technologically Prepared
\r\n· Good Time Management\t\t\t· Academic Readiness
\r\nFamilies who select Lions Online must be prepared to provide the home support needed to assist their children through the education process. Early elementary students focus deeply on learning foundational skills like reading and critical mathematical skills. Students in the upper elementary through high school may require less direct parent guidance in order to be successful, provided the student possesses independent study skills and strong time management skills.
\r\nStudents who are not on grade level, need professional intervention, or special services may
\r\nelect to participate in virtual but are best served by an onsite school environment. However,
\r\nstudents who have severe underlying medical conditions, including heart or lung disease or
\r\ndiabetes, or are at risk for severe illness may wish to consider participating in virtual learning for the student’s safety.
\r\nLions Online students may participate in AAA activities in person at the school beginning in 6th grade. This includes orchestra, band, choir, and/or athletics, provided they are able to participate on campus during the scheduled time of the activity.
\r\nWhen families choose Lions Online, we are asking for a semester commitment. If a child returns to onsite instruction, please note that elementary students will be placed in the school where a class seat is available, which may not be the zoned school.
\r\nImportant Dates
\r\nAugust 5, 2020\t On-line Enrollment form (Appendix A)
\r\nAugust 11, 2020\t Acceptable Computer Use Agreement (Appendix B)
\r\nAugust 11, 2020 \tLions Online Learning Contract (Appendix C)
\r\nAugust 12, 2020\tChromebook Student User Guidelines & Parent Permission Form
\r\nAugust 12, 2020 \tDevice Pick Up (if needed)
\r\nAugust 11, 2020 \tVirtual Orientation (students and parents participate in orientation sessions on-site or via-Zoom)
\r\nAugust 24, 2020\tFirst day of classes for Fall 2020 semester
\r\nSeptember 18, 2020\tLast day to drop Lions Online and return to on-site instruction
\r\nTechnology Requirements and Use
\r\nEfficient home internet is necessary for your child to have a successful virtual education.
\r\nSearcy Public Schools will provide students Chromebooks to access the internet to complete their virtual coursework (if needed). Students who do not have access to the internet may contact the building administrator to discuss options. Students and parents may contact their schools office for technical assistance.
\r\nAcceptable Use Code of Conduct
\r\nStudents are responsible for their behaviors and are expected to comply with the Searcy Public Schools Technology Acceptable Use Code of Conduct. A copy of this policy is included in the Student Handbook.
\r\n1. Communication will follow professional standards. Offensive messages or pictures will not be
\r\nsent, displayed, or downloaded.
\r\n2. Users of technology resources will respect the rights and privacy of others.
\r\n3. Each student will only use his/her assigned password/ID and will not trespass into the files,
\r\nfolders, or work of other users.
\r\n4. Teachers have the right to access the work of students in their classes as it pertains to the class.
\r\n5. Students will not allow other students to access the computers of networks using their
\r\n6. Copyright laws will be respected. All quotations, references, graphics, video clips, digital music, and other information will be cited to give credit to the originator.
\r\nAll students participating in Lions Online are subject to all Searcy Public Schools rules and regulations established by the school board and abide by the policies set forth in the Student Handbook.
\r\nAll students and parents must sign and return the Computer Acceptable Use Agreement (Appendix B) before receiving a device.
\r\nLions Online is an in-depth and comprehensive curriculum comparable to the content taught in the traditional school environment. Students can expect to dedicate approximately four hours per day to instruction to include some digital, interactive, and product development components. Lions Online students will take all of their classes online, learning and practicing new skills. In general, classes will have some work on a computer, some work with the teacher and peers through video conferencing or chat, and some hands-on activities. Some classes will have more hands-on projects and other classes will have more computer work. It may be possible that some classes will meet at specific times each day and the students and teacher interact through video conferencing. In other cases, students work at their own pace and submit work to the teacher. Instruction in virtual classes is delivered in a variety of ways and students and parents will know what is expected for each of their classes.
\r\nStudents will enroll in core courses and electives based on state requirements and personal interests. Students will have access to electives, Advanced Placement, credit recovery, and test preparation courses that are offered to our onsite students. The courses are aligned with K-12 Arkansas learning standards and will be taught by Arkansas highly-qualified licensed teachers employed by Searcy Public Schools or Searcy Public Schools vendor partners.
\r\nStudents may begin earning credit for high school graduation in Grade 8. Students earn graduation credits at the same rate and in the same manner as traditional classes taught on-site. Please refer to the Student Handbook for graduation requirements.
\r\nWhen students fall behind in their coursework, teachers contact the students and/or parents. If students continue not to complete work, procedures similar to traditional courses are followed and may result in a failing grade. Teachers will take multiple actions when dealing with students who perpetually do not submit assignments or regularly communicate with the teacher.
\r\n● When the student does not submit the expected number of assignments within a period of three
\r\n(3) consecutive days, the student and parent receive a phone call from school staff. During the
\r\ncall, the students, parents, and teacher work to resolve the issues preventing the student from
\r\nsubmitting assignments.
\r\n● When the student does not respond to the phone call by submitting assignments within three (3) days or does not continue to submit assignments, the teacher sends an email to the student and parent to remind them of the importance of submitting work and detailing the withdrawal process.
\r\n● When the student does not respond by submitting assignments within eleven (11) days of
\r\nthe initial phone call, Lions Online staff will assume that the student does not intend to remain in the course, and the student will be administratively dropped from Lions Online. To continue
\r\ninstruction, the student must return to on-site instruction with absences at that point recorded as unexcused for the semester.
\r\nStudents have individual needs, interests, and abilities; therefore, it is difficult to estimate the exact number of hours each day students spend on virtual learning.
\r\nGeneral estimates are:
\r\n●Elementary 1-4 hours a day
\r\n●Junior High 4-6 hours a day
\r\n●High School 6-8 hours a day (depends on number and type of courses)
\r\nThe ultimate goal is for all students to be actively engaged in their learning and to achieve success in their online courses. Searcy Public Schools is committed to student success and will continue to work with students and parents to ensure student success.
\r\nSpecialized Instruction
\r\nStudents who are receiving special services provided by Searcy Public Schools--for example, G/T, Migrant, ELL, special education, etc.--are eligible to participate in Lions Online. The students will continue to receive those services in Lions Online.
\r\nIf you have questions please contact:
\r\n● Special Education: Individualized Education Program (IEP)--Stephanie Lawrence,
\r\nDirector of Special Education (phone: 501-268-3517 or email:
\r\n● Section 504 plans--your school’s 504 Director.
\r\n● ELL services--Suzy Gooch, Student Services (email:
\r\n● Characteristics of dyslexia--contact the building where your child is enrolled.
\r\n● G/T or AP curriculum--Suzy Gooch, Student Services (email:
\r\n● Alternative Learning Environment--Southwest Middle School or Ahlf Junior High: Susan Sloan,
\r\n(; High School: Rebekka Hays ( or the
\r\nbuilding administrator.
\r\nAttendance for the full-time, virtual student is based on utilization of the coursework and completion of assignments. Lions Online teachers will make every effort to ensure all students make appropriate progress towards successful completion. Students who fall significantly behind due to lack of activity may be administratively removed from Lions Online and be required to take courses on-site. Teachers will take multiple actions when dealing with students who perpetually do not submit assignments or regularly communicate with their online instructor.
\r\n● When the student does not submit the expected number of assignments within a period of three\t (3) consecutive days, the student and parent receive a phone call from school staff. During the call,\t the students, parents, and teacher work to resolve issues preventing the student from submitting\t assignments.
\r\n● When the student does not respond to the phone call by submitting assignments within three (3) days or does not continue to submit assignments, the teacher will send an email to the student
\r\nand/or parent to remind them of the importance of submitting work and work to resolve the issue.
\r\n● When the student does not respond by submitting assignments within eleven (11) days of the\t initial phone call, Lions Online staff will assume that the student does not intend to remain in
\r\nthe course, and the student will be administratively dropped from Lions Online. To continue
\r\ninstruction, the student must return to on-site instruction with absences at that point recorded as
\r\nunexcused for the semester.
\r\nLions Online staff will make every effort to support student learning and ensure students are successful in their online courses. Students and parents are encouraged to contact the building administrator to discuss student progress as needed.
\r\nKindergarten Students
\r\nKindergarten students will receive feedback from their teacher weekly. A performance checklist will be sent to parents at the time of progress reports each quarter and at the end of each marking period.
\r\nStudents in Grades 1-12
\r\nStudent grades will be posted in e-School and parents may view student work in the Home Access Center. Grades will be based on completion of work and mastery of student learning goals. Grades earned for courses for graduation credit will be included in the student’s GPA, class rank, and honor status. Secondary virtual courses that qualify are weighted in the same manner as traditional courses that qualify as specified in the student handbook.
\r\nAll full-time Lions Online students must complete assessments mandated by the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education and/or the district. Students may be required to take state and district assessments on-site at pre-scheduled, designated times. Guidance and direction from the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education will be followed.
\r\nStudents enrolled in Lions Online will have an opportunity to participate in meals that are provided to students who receive their instruction onsite.
\r\nEnrollment Procedures
\r\nTo enroll in Lions Online, complete and return the following forms:
\r\nOn-line Enrollment form (Appendix A) August 5, 2020
Acceptable Computer Use Agreement (Appendix B) August 11, 2020
Lions Online Learning Contract (Appendix C) August 11, 2020
Device Pick Up(if needed) August 12, 2020
Virtual Orientation- August 11, 2020