The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) has approved Large Outdoor Venue and Large Indoor Venue Plans for School Sponsored Team Sports and public school athletic events provided that certain requirements are met. You may find some of these listed below.
• Venue capacity should be determined by having all spectators maintain 6-feet physical distance from other spectators at all times. Single-household family groups may sit together but 6-feet physical distance must be maintained from all other groups or individuals. Bleacher seating should be restricted such that every other row is unoccupied. Note: Though the Large Outdoor and Indoor Venue directives allow up to 66%, the above requirements for physical distancing may put actual capacity between 25-50%.
• Face coverings are required. (Searcy School District policy requires face masks or coverings for all persons ages kindergarten through adult.) Due to increased production of respiratory droplets during yelling and cheering, face coverings should remain in place even when attendees are seated and maintaining required physical distancing. NOTE: Face coverings may be removed in order to consume food or beverage but should be in place immediately afterwards.
• Areas where lines may form (entrances, exits, concessions, restrooms, etc.) shall be marked with cones, “X’s”, or other visual cues to promote physical distance of 6-feet. These lines should also be monitored to ensure physical distancing is maintained.
• Concessions shall comply with the current Directive Regarding Resuming Restaurant Dine-In Operations. Customer self-service condiment bars and buffets are prohibited. Menu offerings may be reduced/adjusted to promote expedient flow through concessions and reduce congestion in concession stand lines.
• Signs must be posted at all entrances advising the public not to enter if they--
o have fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell; or
o have had known exposure to someone with Covid-19 in the past 14 days.
• The following may wish to refrain from entering if they--
o are 65 years of age or older, or
o have underlying health conditions including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease,
diabetes, severe obesity, asthma, or weakened immunity.
The Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Education may visit any of these events to ensure compliance. We ask for your complete cooperation in following these guidelines so that we may continue to enjoy future athletic events.