Searcy School District Earns 2nd Place Overall in State's Health Fitness Challenge

Searcy School District Child Nutrition Director Charlotte Davis is shown holding the Blue and You Fitness Challenge plaque with SPSD central office employees Karen Shepherd, Debbie Adams, and Betsy Bailey who participated in the challenge. 

Searcy School District Earns 2nd Place Overall in State's Health Fitness Challenge


Each year, Searcy School District participates in the Blue & You Fitness Challenge sponsored by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Arkansas Department of Health, and Arkansas Department of Human Services. As we all know, it was definitely a "challenge" during the months of March, April and May as the state was shut down for Covid 19, but Searcy School District employees did not allow the pandemic to interfere  with their healthy lifestyles. In the category of more than 100 participants, Searcy School District placed second in the state! 


The challenge requires thirty days of physical activity logged, and 232 employees participated in the contest. Sidney Deener Elementary School had the highest number of employees engaged with 83%  and Searcy High School came in a close second for the district with 82%. Child nutrition director and wellness coordinator, Charlotte Davis, always does an outstanding job of promoting the program and encouraging our employees to get out and exercise. Mrs. Davis remarks about Searcy School District winning second place. “I was absolutely thrilled when I found out that we achieved the 2nd place award for the whole state of Arkansas!  As District Wellness Committee Chair, I am so very proud of our faculty and staff members who chose to focus on staying healthy and active, even during a pandemic, making the extra effort to complete the 2020 Fitness Challenge!”


Searcy School District would like to thank Unity Health for donating t-shirts to all of our employees who participated in the contest. Unity Health is always willing to assist when Searcy Schools promote health initiatives whether it is through Red Ribbon Week, the Unity Health Kids Ambassador’s Program, or our annual fitness challenge. Our partnership is one that helps set an example for healthy living. 


We congratulate all the employees who earned this award, but most importantly, we are thrilled our employees see the benefits of healthy lifestyles and make physical activity a priority. 
