SWMS Fitness Challenge

The Searcy Schools Fitness Challenge team was notified over the summer that they placed third in the state of Arkansas in their division (76+ participants)!  The annual  Blue & You Fitness Challenge competition engages participants in exercise to gain points based on their activities.  To encourage healthy lifestyles for district employees, our District Wellness Committee has promoted participation in the Challenge every year since 2018.  The Challenge begins March 1 and runs through May 31 each year.  The spring 2021 Challenge was powered for the first time by Wellable’s interactive health and wellness platform/app, making it easy to track activity and measure standings.  This year, 120 district employees “completed” the Challenge by earning at least 20,000 points on the app.  High scorers on the team included Sheila DeShazo (88,531 points) and Dustin Jones (87,679 points), pictured below with the plaque awarded to the group.  A big THANK YOU to Unity Health for donating t-shirts to those who completed the Challenge!

Dustin Jones, Searcy High School

Shelia Deshazo, Southwest Middle School