
Searcy School District


For Immediate Release




Searcy School District Health Information


(Searcy, AR) Searcy School District Board of Education adopted a Resolution regarding masking at the August 12, 2021, special board meeting authorizing the Superintendent “to continue or rescind any public health precautions implemented as necessary.” Due to the masking precaution that was put into place for Searcy Public Schools, 2,050 students have avoided quarantine since the start of school, and students have been able to receive quality in-person instruction.


At this time, the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI) reports that the Searcy School District is currently residing in the “green” level indicating that there are only (10-19) COVID-19 cases per 10,000 residents for a 14-day period. Therefore, Searcy School District Superintendent is rescinding the mask requirement for indoors and on buses, and face coverings for students and staff members are optional. However, the district administration will monitor the ACHI data weekly and make a determination regarding face coverings depending on the most current data. If the data shows that Searcy School District moves to a level of (30-49) infections per 10,000 residents, the mask precaution will be put back into place. 


We want to stress that if a student or staff member is unmasked and is exposed to COVID-19, quarantine guidelines will be implemented. We continue to recommend that all eligible students and staff members and their families get vaccinated as that is the best protection against COVID-19. Also, please remember any student or staff member who is sick should stay at home, and we encourage regular hand washing and continuing to practice social distancing measures. For more information on the ACHI COVID-19  data, access the COVID-19 Dashboard at


We thank all our stakeholders for the continued support and cooperation as Searcy School District works to provide the safest and best educational environment for our students and staff members. 

