Music Awards

Searcy music programs participated in region and state contests this week and earned high achievements in their respective categories.Please see the following group awards for band, choir, and orchestra. We congratulate our music groups and their directors on these esteemed awards!

Band- Region IV Contest Assessment

Directors: Nic Shurtleff, Shane Fudge, and Kevin Beirne

Searcy Wind Ensemble- Superior (1st Division) for performance and sight reading

Searcy Symphonic Band- Excellent  (2nd Division) for performance and Superior for sight reading

Searcy 8th Grade Band-Excellent  (2nd Division) for performance and Superior for sight reading

Choir- State Choir Contest

SHS Director: Amy Thomas 

SHS Tenor-Bass Chorus--Superior Ratings at State Festival and Sweepstakes Award;

Best in Class 6A Medium Male Chorus 

SHS Treble Chorus-Superior Ratings at State Festival and Sweepstakes Award, Best in Class 6A large Female Chorus

SHS Chamber Choir-Superior Ratings at State Festival and Sweepstakes Award

Jr. High Director-Daniel Smith

7/8 Treble Choir-Superior  at Choral Performance Assessment

7/8 Tenor/Bass Choir-Superior at Choral Performance Assessment

Orchestra-Region IV Concert Assessment

Director: Roshell Cobb

8th Grade Orchestra- Superior Ratings for Performance and Sight Reading

9th Grade Orchestra- Superior Ratings for Performance and Sight Reading; Sweepstakes Award

High School Orchestra- Superior Ratings for Performance and Sight Reading