To see Governor Asa Hutchinson's press conference regarding COVID-19 in Arkansas, access the link here.
Athletic Update: The Conway Invitational Soccer Tournament has been cancelled for this weekend.
Activity Update for Searcy School District: The following activities scheduled for today (3/12) have been cancelled.
Sr. High Track Meet, AJHS East Night Out (to be rescheduled), SHS baseball game against Mayflower.
Searcy School District understands that due to COVID-19 some Arkansas schools have announced school closures. We are keeping abreast of current state information and will release further details after Governor Asa Hutchinson gives his guidance during his 1:45 P.M. press conference today.
Students in grades 4-12 will be completing an online survey tomorrow at school regarding home access to technology. If you are the parent of a student in grades K-3, please expect your child’s school to send you the survey to complete. Thank you for your assistance in this survey.
Searcy School District is running flood routes for buses 43 & 30 (Higginson route). The stops will be at Love's truck stop and the Searcy Skating Rink. Thank you.
We can't wait to meet our 2020-2021 kindergarten crew! Check out the kindergarten roundup information here!
Athletic Update 2: Today's JV baseball games against Beebe have been cancelled due to weather.
Congratulations to the SHS Quiz Bowl team for earning third place in the 6A Regional Tournament in Pine Bluff this weekend. The team will advance to the state tournament in April. A big congratulations goes to Josh Williams for making all-tournament team!
Searcy School District encourages all our families to fill out 2020 Census Information. Watch this short video from Governor Asas Hutchinson to find out more!
Searcy Youth Volleyball Information
Congratulations to the SWMS Quiz Bowl team for winning 2nd place in the Wilbur D.Mills Educational Co-Op Quiz Bowl tournament! The team is coached by Mrs. Katie Lawson.
SHS 9th grade cheerleader informational meeting will be held on Feb 23 at 5:30pm in the SHS cafeteria. Students must have a current physical to tryout and are encouraged to bring it to the meeting. Contact Mrs. Holeyfield at for more information.
Jr. High Basketball Recognition Night-Friday, February 21
Please share this with any Searcy High School student who plans to attend the 2020 SHS Prom. Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 25th.
School will not be in session on Monday, February 17th, in recognition of Presidents' Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
This is just a reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences are being held today from 3:40-7:30 P.M. for students in grades K-6. We look forward to welcoming our parents tonight!
Congratulations to the SHS Bowling team for winning the 5A East bowling conference championship! Shelby Grady was named conference champion! Way to go, Searcy Lions!
Parent/Teacher Conferences for grades 7-12 will be held tomorrow, Thurs, February 6 from 3:40-7:30 P.M. at Ahlf Junior High School and Searcy High School.
Searcy School District congratulates Westside Elementary School kindergarten teacher Mira Smith for receiving the Janett Crain Teacher of the Week award sponsored by Crain Media and Chick-Fil-A. Pictured with Mrs. Smith are Grant Carey of Crain Media and Jana Richardson of Chick-Fil-A. Mrs. Crain was a champion for public education and especially Searcy School District. Congratulations to Mrs. Smith!