July 3, 2020
Searcy School District Re-entry Plans may be found at the following link. Searcy School District Re-entry Plans
June 25, 2020
The Searcy School District Board of Directors met tonight and accepted the recommendations by Superintendent Diane Barrett to fill administrative positions at Sidney Deener Elemen...
June 12, 2020
The Searcy School District Board of Education met tonight in a special called board meeting. At the recommendation of Superintendent Diane Barrett, the board hired coaches for fou...
May 18, 2020
Searcy School District congratulates the 2020 retirees. We are grateful for their tireless efforts and their dedication to students and the education profession. \r\n Cindy Gre...
May 14, 2020
Searcy School District 2020 Honor Graduate Recognition. You can also catch it on the Big Screen at Lion Stadium today from 11:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Congratulations to all of our SHS H...
May 14, 2020
You can catch this on the Lion Stadium Big Screen from 11:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. today!
May 13, 2020
Congratulations to the Searcy High School seniors who are being awarded with local scholarships. Descriptions of scholarships are below, and the scholarship recipients are feature...
May 1, 2020
Searcy High School senior baseball player Kyle Burton has signed a letter of intent to play baseball at National Park College in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Kyle is a member of the Sea...
May 1, 2020
Searcy High School will be holding specific days and times for students to pick up their personal items, yearbook, and return library books or classroom books.Any scholar/honor gr...
April 30, 2020
Searcy High School senior Miranda Webb received notification that she will be a member of the Arkansas Razorback Color Guard at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Miranda...
April 30, 2020
Searcy School District was informed that Searcy High School senior Seth Brown has signed a letter of intent to play on the Lyon Men's Basketball team. We offer Seth a huge congrat...
April 29, 2020
Today is the Searcy High School spring collegiate signing day! We are proud to announce seven outstanding athletes who will be continuing their athletic careers at the collegiate ...
April 16, 2020
Looking for scholarship information? It's all right here! 2020 Graduate Scholarships
April 14, 2020
Searcy Public School District was scheduled to host the 35th Annual Scholars Ceremony today, April 14th, at Searcy High School. Students being honored were those in 9th-11th grade...
April 14, 2020
Vienska Angeles Ramirez
Kennedy Arnold
Jacob Ash
Emme Bailey
Emily Baker
India Baker
Annie Behel
Ivey Canter
Izabell Carlos
Sallie Clark
Rebecca Colli...
April 14, 2020
Alexis Alford
Hagan Bryant
Laritza Chena
Jordan Corkran
Drew Curtis
Jessica Curtis
Alyssa Day
Alonzo Downie Jr.
Luke Gibbs
Cameron Hicks
Mary Julia Killough ...
April 14, 2020
9th Grade
Chloe Belford
Bentley Bradford
Emily Bright
Parker Brown
Tearyn Brown
Micah Castleberry
Hadia Choudhary
Maddie Dudley
Carsyn Dyson
Gaby Eddins...